Monday Club seeking plays for ‘The Spill’

The Spill is an evening of new writing, giving one playwright the opportunity to have their new play performed as a rehearsed reading in front of a live audience. The performance will take place on 30 July 2018.
The event is run by Monday Club and has been running since October 2016 at Chelsea Theatre. Monday Club are a collective of creatives who meet weekly to develop new work and encourage cross-arts collaboration. Their past events have hosted theatre, dance, clown, spoken word short film, live music, burlesque, photography and more. All of their pieces are handpicked from a variety of promising new artists with fresh and dynamic ideas


What you get: Monday Club will work with the successful playwright to source a director and cast of actors for an intensive one day rehearsal period, culminating in a performance at the Old Red Lion Theatre on the same evening. Their aim for The Spill is to spark collaboration amongst passionate writers, directors and actors through the development of their new work.

Monday Club will provide a director and a cast.
The playwright should be free throughout the day on Monday 30th July.

Who is the opportunity for?

This opportunity is for playwrights with plays of 60 minutes or more.

What to submit:
  • Writers should submit plays of 60 minutes or more.
  • Each playwright may only submit one play for consideration.
  • Any play over 70 minutes must include an interval.
  • Cast size must not exceed 8, with a maximum of 7 actors on stage at any one time.

How to apply: download a submission form from and send it through to along with your play. There is no entry fee.

Visit or email in at to find out more.

Deadline: 22 June 2018

Source: direct contact

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