Naiad Productions has announced its first Scratch Night at the Old Red Lion on 21-22 May 2017. Its Master Directors Series THE 5 Vitelloni ( Federico Fellini) is inspired by the most influential filmmakers of all time. This time it is Federico Fellini.
NP is looking for 5 writers and 5 directors who want to be challenged into staging 15-20 short plays inspired by Federico Fellini and his work on screen.
Eligibility: NP says please apply only if you know you will be able to commit to these dates.
What you get: Due to budget constraints, NP is unable to provide any economical support on props purchased, costume or rehearsal space. There is however a contribution guaranteed ONLY upon 80% box office reached. Director- Writers= 50 GBP each.
What to submit:
- Please submit a cv and your short piece. Both in pdf format
- Please add your contact details on the script
- Please also add a very short 4 line plot summary of your play just below the title of your script and right above the piece itself
- Please follow the main theme guidelines. Script that do not adhere to the main theme will not be considered
Script guidelines:
- Max number of characters 2 or 1
- Script must follow the theme guide lines and suggest a “Vitellone” stereotype and other Fellinesque characters
- All pieces must be 20 min long ( 2 characters) or 15 min ( one character). Anything longer or too short will not be considered
- Setting of the play for ALL the shorts is on/near the beach side of a provincial town. You can be playful with this in any way you want ( exterior or interior as long as the sea is present in some form and nearby the action ; winter or summer)
- Time frame 50-60s
- Please bear in mind suggesting only a minimal quantity of feasible props as budget and logistics are to be kept simple ( i.e. blood, guns, prop food or drinks that stain, prop knives, excessively bulky items etc are a no no)
- Colour, gender, nationality blind. Please be inclusive in your character choices
- Please be aware that the minimum age to access the theatre is 18. Choose your character ages accordingly
- Genre can vary. Please be creative and varied. NP will try to choose a range of different pieces