Near Now Ideas Fund

The Near Now Ideas Fund can help you start a new creative project that is enabled or inspired by technology.

They  are offering £2,000 per proposal to support the important research and development (R&D) activity that is needed when a project is just getting started.

Do you have an existing project that explores technology in a way that is new to the project? They are especially interested in funding projects that could be shared online or safely in-person at Broadway, or elsewhere in Nottingham/Nottinghamshire (UK). They’ll work with you to decide how to showcase your project, either in its early-stage or through demonstrating ambition for further development.

Near Now can support R&D costs up to £2,000. You cannot use the award as match funding for other opportunities supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

The Near Now Ideas Fund is open to individuals or groups who can meet the following criteria:

  • You are not currently in education.
  • You are aged 18 or over.
  • You (or the majority of you if working collaboratively) live or are professionally based in Nottingham/Nottinghamshire (UK).#


Deadline: 19 September 2022

Source: Write A Play

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