New Diorama Theatre: Fundraising Masterclass

In their words:

“Here at New Diorama we often get asked to talk to other artists, theatres and organisations about our fundraising.
We are now hosting a whole day to talk about fundraising strategy, applying to Trusts and Foundations, attracting and growing individual donors and securing business sponsors for your work.

This exclusive day will focus on what we know best: small organisations creating work that is traditionally hard to fundraise for.

New Diorama have received core and project funding from a range of sources including Garfield Weston Foundation, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, John Ellerman Foundation, The Backstage Trust, Cockayne, London Community Foundation, Fenton Arts Trust, Foyle Foundation, The Evening Standard and Arts Council England. We also have a great track record making the case for our community, outreach and access work and sourcing funding our in-house theatre productions.

During the session we will be looking through successful funding applications, answering your questions and providing practical, actionable tips that you can get to work with straight away. The day will be led by New Diorama’s Artistic and Executive Director, David Byrne.

New Diorama have previously been invited to speak about fundraising by Cause4, Arts Council England, Theatre Deli and Arts Marketing Assocation. This is the first time we’ve hosted our own session and will really be able to drill into the finer detail of making an exceptional funding bid.”

Date of workshop: Monday 17 October 2016 10:30 – 16:00
DEADLINE FOR ENROLLING: 12pm Friday 14th October, 2016.

Price: £120 / £75 (concession)
If you work for a company with an annual turnover of under £100,000 they are offering a special concessionary rate of £75 per ticket.

If you book before the 1st October they’re offering a discounted rate of just £100 for larger organisations and £50 those in the lower turnover bracket.

If you have any questions about the day or special requirements please email

All proceeds from New Diorama’s Fundraising Masterclass will contribute towards New Diorama’s Emerging Companies Fund, which supports early-career theatre companies from across the UK.

Source: direct contact

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