Old Red Lion Theatre literary department re-opens for script submissions

The Old Red Lion Theatre literary department has re-opened its submissions window for solicited and unsolicited scripts.

Literary manager Gus Miller says: “As a theatre our focus is more on new writing than it perhaps ever has been and we are doing everything in our power to discover and nurture the best emerging writers around.

“We’re always on the hunt for new voices and new plays that grab us by the collar and make us look afresh at the world we live in.

“In the past, the ORL has presented new plays by, among others, Kathy Burke, Joe Penhall, Penelope Skinner, Nina Raine, Abi Morgan, Tim Foley, Simon Longman and John O’Donovan. Now we want to add your name to the list.”


  • The ORL is not able to accept plays from writers based outside of the UK and Ireland.
  • It does not accept scripts written for television, film or radio, treatments or incomplete works, musicals, plays not in the English language (new translations by UK or Ireland based writers are welcome) or scripts that have already been read by the literary department.
  • The ORL cannot accept more than two examples of a writer’s work.
  • New drafts and/or amendments cannot be accepted once the literary team is considering a play.
  • The ORL is  looking for new plays. It can’t accept scripts that have already had a production run of a week or longer.

What the ORL wants: 

  • It is interested in writers who fully engage with the possibilities of live theatre and who thrive off collaboration.
  • It is interested in plays that dig deeper than the trivialities of modern life and connect us to individuals and worlds that we’ve not encountered before.
  • It is interested in supporting the production of new work that will embrace the intimacy and intensity of the Old Red Lion space and do something new with it.
  • If you’re a theatre-maker looking to revive something with a demonstrable history of performance or to mount a new project that is being created without a pre-written script then have a look at the Artists page and get in touch.
  • If you’re a writer with a new play that you think should be seen at the ORL then get in touch with the Literary Department

What you get: Your play will be read by an experienced literary team made up of playwrights, directors, actors, designers, casting directors and dramaturgs, all of whom are currently making the kind of work that excites the people at the ORL. Your play will be discussed at the monthly script meeting where it will beconsidered  thoroughly for future opportunities at the theatre.

The ORL provides seed-commissions for specific projects and, at least once a year, presents a production or co-production of its own. It says: “We want to see work on stage more than we want to see it on the page. If we can help realise this, then we will do everything we can to support and nurture your work.

“We do not receive any regular private or public subsidy. It is worth bearing that in mind when approaching us. But we do have an enviable track-record of matching scripts we adore to people who can help realise them on our stage and beyond. We have exhaustive contacts both in London and regionally and an honest love for game-changing new work.”

What to submit:

  • Your name.
  • A contact telephone number.
  • Your email address.
  • Your agent’s details (if applicable).
  • The script in .pdf format. Word documents are also accepted but your script will not be read if it is not in one of these two formats.
  •  A title page and page numbers in the script.
  • Information about whether the production is attached to a Producer/Director and if it has any funding yet.
  • Read more details here.

How to apply:  Email literary@oldredliontheatre.co.uk

Deadline:  June 2017

Source: Direct contact

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