One-act plays sought for Kenneth Branagh Award at Windsor Fringe 2017 (£10 fee, £500 prize)

Amateur playwrights are invited to submit unpublished 30 minute  one-act plays for the Kenneth Branagh Award. Three winning scripts will be selected for performances during the Windsor Fringe Festival in October 2017. One of the three scripts will be chosen for the £500 prize, judged on the writing only.

Scripts will be evaluated by readers and the final nine short listed by the  judges. The three winning writers will be notified by the middle of June 2017.

Eligibility: Only amateur playwrights are eligible and only one script per author will be accepted. Each script must be an original work and not have been previously published or performed.

How to submit:  Each play must have a cast of no more than six actors and be suitable for staging in a studio theatre. 

Formatting guidelines:

  • To be judged anonymously, the author’s name must appear on the cover page only, not in the script.
  • Writers should submit two copies of their plays, printed on one side only of A4 paper with no binding or stapling.
  • Pages must be numbered.
  • No submissions will be accepted by email; and no scripts will be returned.
  • The cover page must show the name of the play and the author’s name, contact details and signature 

What you pay: There is a £10 application fee which can be paid by cheque (payable to ‘Windsor Fringe Festival’) with your submissions, or via Paypal on their website.

What you get:  Results of the competition will be announced through the media, the Windsor Fringe web//Twitter/ Facebook sites and the winner of the £500 award will be announced after the last night performance.

How to apply:  Scripts should be sent together with the reading fee to:

Windsor Fringe Kenneth Branagh Drama Writing Award
Suite 640, 24-28 St Leonard’s Road, Windsor, Berks. SL4 3BB   U.K.

For additional information telephone: 07858 132941 or email: and visit the Windsor Fringe website 

Deadline: 5 March 2017

Source:  BBC WritersRoom

2 thoughts on “One-act plays sought for Kenneth Branagh Award at Windsor Fringe 2017 (£10 fee, £500 prize)”

  1. Pingback: Opportunities Weekly Round-up: 6 January 2017 | LONDON PLAYWRIGHTS BLOG

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