Opportunities to hear your play with Player Playwrights

Player Playwrights offers an opportunity for emerging playwrights within reach of London to hear their play read by professional actors at our regular weekly Monday night readings at the North London Tavern in Kilburn, followed by a discussion.

How to submit:  If you have a script ready for submission, please send it to writing@playerplaywrights.co.uk with a brief synopsis and casting breakdown. 

How it works:  In their own words:

“We read more than 30 scripts a year, and we aim to read them in full.  To allow time for a discussion, we try to limit the length to a maximum of 90-100 minutes.  Submissions are by email only.  All work is read by members of our committee.  We cannot promise everyone extensive mentoring, but we will do our best, particularly with first-time writers. Shorter stage plays are welcome, and we often read 30-minute TV sitcom pilots. If your play is accepted for a reading, you will be expected to print out scripts for the cast, and bring along copies of a cast list for the audience on the night. Above all we want to select good quality scripts, but we also want our writers to come along regularly not just to hear their own scripts, but to give feedback to fellow members as well. “

Some of the members have set up a collaborative writing group which also holds its own meetings.  For more information, talk to committee member Mary Conway.

They are not a producing organisation and leave it up to individual writers how to get their plays on to the stage after a reading.  But they can offer advice and occasionally financial help.  Quite a few members have produced their own plays at the Camden Fringe. Kevin Mandry’s Flowers of the Field, judged their best play of 2013, was produced with help from Player Playwrights in a successful run at the White Bear Theatre.

Deadline:  Ongoing submissions

Source:  Direct contact

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