Opportunity for Professional Editorial Read of Your Work By The Literary Consultancy

Spread the Word is delighted to be part of The Literary Consultancy’s Free Editorial Read Scheme for 2014.

If you are a London-based writer on a low income and can’t afford to pay for an editorial read of your work then you should apply.  You will get professional feedback on your creative work from the highly regarded editorial reading service The Literary Consultancy (TLC). Its Scheme is funded by the Arts Council.

You can be a writer of non-fiction, fiction, drama, poetry or screenplays and you can apply for a full length read of your whole manuscript or something shorter.  Find out more about TLC at: www.literaryconsultancy.co.uk

To qualify you must: live in a London Borough and have a Greater London postcode address (a c/o address isn’t enough), be 16 years of age or over and be on a low income. You could be a full-time student or on income support, or in receipt of Working Tax Credit, or on Job Seekers’ Allowance or disability benefits. If none of the above applies to you, we will also consider other financial factors if your combined household income is less than £20,000; please tell us what these factors are. You are also eligible if you are over 60 and your combined household income is less than £20,000. Your manuscript must be at a stage where it is ready for a detailed editorial read and where, in the view of Spread the Word, you will benefit from this opportunity. You must be the sole author of your work and you must be writing in English.

What to submit:  Applicants need to submit a completed application form (downloadable from their website) and a short cover note saying how you heard about the scheme, why you are applying through Spread the Word and if you have taken part in any Spread the Word activities in the past three years (the cover-note information does not influence the decision-making).

Please enclose two copies of a short sample of your writing:

  • Fiction and non-fiction prose extracts should be no more than 5 consecutive pages (1000 words) and fiction extracts must be from the opening of the work.
  • Poetry – min of 30 lines and max of 70 total.
  • Scripts and screenplays: 10 pages.

All extracts must be in double spaced, 12 point Arial font (or similar sans serif font). Make sure your name, email and contact telephone number are in a footer or header and that the pages are numbered.

How to apply:  Please post your entry and proof of status to: Free Editorial Reads, Spread the Word, The Albany, Douglas Way, London SE8 4AG, enclosing TWO COPIES of all documents – your manuscript extract, your cover note and application form. If you would like confirmation of receipt of your application please also enclose a stamped self addressed postcard or envelope.

Deadline: 10 October 2014 at 11am

Source: Lane’s List


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