Outside The Frame Arts which I have developed poet Hafsah Bashir.
In their words:
Our project ‘Platform for Palestinian Arts’ is taking place between October 2016 to January 2017. With a series of workshops happening all over Manchester. Please share this email widely! And join our mailing list by contacting outsidetheframearts@gmail.com
Our first writing workshop will be on October 28th from 6.30pm to 9.30pm in collaboration with Manchester Muslim Writers and led by the well-known writer Zahid Hussain (author of ‘Curry Mile’) The workshop is FREE but booking is required here. Please also share our facebook event.
Zahid Hussain: “This workshop will be slightly different to the usual Manchester Muslim Writers events; it is a ticketed event (oh my!), but the tickets are FREE (woohoo!). But nothing is free in life and so, if you do decide to come, you will be expected to WRITE something and get involved (oh drat!).
And before you ask me, YES Palestinians have written lots of plays over the years, but my guess is – and this really is a guess – you will probably never have studied a single one of them at school. Well, let’s correct that glaring omission and provide a Platform for Palestinian Arts.”
Deadline: none posted
Source: direct contact
Outside The Frame Arts Collective, are currently delivering a project that explores Palestinian playwrights and poets. Shining a light on often under-represented writers and artists.
Please donate to our crowdfund to help push our project further