After a successful run at the Vaults (Jan-Feb) with ‘Double Infemnity’ a co-production between ‘Little But Fierce’ and Paperclip- all female theatre company Paperclip are looking for pieces of 15-20 minutes responding to the theme ‘Echoes of the Past’.
They are looking for pieces that make reference to the way in which politics has a weirdly cyclical nature.
Comedy/Drama/ Black Comedy all welcome!
Submission guidelines:
- Pieces should have strong female focus- note male roles will be played by females (LGBT and BAME focus very much welcome).
- Pieces should require limited props/tech.
- No more than 5 characters in a piece.
- Looking to perform this over 2-3 nights. Venue to be confirmed (will be london based).
- Submissions will only be accepted by female writers.
(This is an unpaid opportunity.)
Date of performance: End of March early April- depending on venue.
How to submit: Please send in scripts and a bit about why you are entering to:“
Deadline: 23 February 2018 at 12pm
Source: Direct contact