A great pitch is an invitation to a conversation. Led by experienced opera producer Elizabeth Yardeni, this workshop will offer practical tips for pitching your ideas to potential partners, producers and commissioners.
Elizabeth Yardeni is a French-born London-based producer who is passionate about the recontextualisation of opera and theatre performance, and how it affects audiences and communities. As Assistant Producer at English National Opera, she works on producing shows outside of the London Coliseum, in collaboration with other London theatres, such as Effigies of Wickedness with the Gate Theatre, directed by Ellen McDougall, and Dido with the Unicorn Theatre, directed by Purni Morell.
Date: Wednesday 15 August 2018, 11.00 – 13.00
Location: Arcola Theatre, 24 Ashwin Street, London, E8 3DL
Cost: £4.90
How to book: here
Deadline: not applicable
Source: direct contact