Playwriting Workshop with John Burgess in Poitiers, France

Playwriting Workshop with John Burgess
4-8 May 2018
Poitiers, France

John Burgess will be leading a 3 day workshop in a beautiful priory set in lovely gardens close to Poitiers, France from 4-8 May 2018.

The three days will cover basic building blocks: words of one syllable, rhythm, exits and entrances, building a page, surprise, stichomythia, images, actions, silence. There will be time for reading and homework.

John Burgess is a freelance director and lives in London. He worked for fourteen years at the National Theatre where he directed works from the classical, romantic and modern repertoires as well as many new plays. He helped found the NT Studio in 1984 and was the National Theatre’s Head of New Writing 1989-94. He has directed in the UK, Switzerland, Scandinavia and North America and is the author of The Faber Pocket Guide to Greek and Roman Drama.

What you get:Maximum 7 participants, all rooms are single occupancy.

All food, drinks and airport transfers are included. You can choose to stay on after Mr. Burgess has left (at extra cost) for extra days of writing, exploring or resting.

How to apply: Please email  for more details.

Source: Direct contact


2 thoughts on “Playwriting Workshop with John Burgess in Poitiers, France”

    1. Hi Gail, We just repost these opportunities, so we recommend contacting the organisers directly with any questions. (Though if you find out the info and are happy to post it, we suspect other readers may also be interested!)

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