Pokfulam Rd Productions seeking submissions for The Pit Part I new writing night on theme of “Hidden Vice”

Pokfulam Rd Productions are looking for extracts and short plays (5 – 10 minutes) from writers who would like to participate in the launch of a collaboration between Pokfulam Rd Productions and Theatre N16: “The Pit Part I” to be produced at Theatre N16 on February 14th 2016 on the theme of “Hidden Vice“.

They are also hosting a social evening to ask about the event and future productions at the National Theatre’s Understudy Bar on the 18th November from 7pm. Come along and meet other creatives in theatre!

 Producers, directors, actors & emerging and establishes companies will experiment, meet and mingle on N16’s stage (and bar) on the 14th February 2016. There is also an opportunity for profit share and rehearsal space.

What you can expect: Plays and Extracts by new and established playwrights on the theme of “HIDDEN VICE” paired up with companies to bring their work in progress, completed script, musical, revue to life, speed dating type “meet the company” in the bar, live music, Pop Up Restaurant –

How to apply:  Email interest or your scripts to pokfulamrdproductions@gmail.com.

Find out more on the Pokfulam Rd Productions website

Deadline: 1 December 2015

Source:  BBC Writersroom

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