Re-drafting Your Play – with Kimberley Andrews

So, you’ve finally got there: you’ve completed the first draft of your play. Yes! But now where do you go with it?

Before you can submit your play to theatres or think about producing it yourself, you’ll need to re-work it, improve it and polish it to perfection, but in an industry where it’s hard enough to get feedback on a final draft, where do you find the fresh perspective to take your draft to the next level?

In this six week course with playwright & LPB Co-Founder Kimberley Andrews, you’ll discover different approaches to re-drafting. Through practical exercises and sharing your work with the group, you’ll gain insightful feedback, tighten up your structure and sharpen your dialogue. You’ll finish the course with the inspiration, motivation and knowledge you need to go away and write an accomplished second draft.

Requirements: this course is suitable for new writers and beginners but you do need to have written a complete first draft of a play to bring in and work on during the sessions. (However, by ‘complete’, we just mean that you got to the end of the play, please don’t be put off if your play is still very much work-in-progress.)

How to apply: Please fill our brief application form (which can be downloaded below) and send it to  Please note, spaces will be filled on a first come first serve basis so early application is advised.



Location: RADA Studios – 16 Chenies St, London WC1E 7EX

Dates: Thursday evenings from 7-9pm for 6 sessions from 4 February to 10 March 2016.

Course outline: 

  • Week 1: How to approach re-drafting
  • Week 2:  Characters and how they function
  • Week 3: Telling the best version of your story – tightening up structure.
  • Week 4: Tackling difficult scenes
  • Week 5: Sharpening your dialogue
  • Week 6: Trouble shooting and group feedback session

Cost: £120 (payable by BACS following acceptance on the course)

Kimberley Andrews is a playwright with an MA in Text & Performance Studies from RADA/ Kings College London. Her writing credits include commissions from the Birmingham Repertory Theatre and Wolverhampton University. She has also developed work with the Manchester Royal Exchange and All the Rage Theatre. Kimberley has written and produced her own work at the Hen & Chickens Theatre in Islington as part of comedy collective, Wet Lettuce. She was shortlisted for the BBC Drama Writers’ Academy in 2012 and was then selected by BBC to participate in a training academy for day-time soap Doctors, resulting in writing a trial script for the show. Kimberley has worked as a playwriting tutor at RADA and currently works as a freelance script consultant.

4 thoughts on “Re-drafting Your Play – with Kimberley Andrews”

  1. Pingback: Opportunities Weekly Round-up: 29 January 2016 | LONDON PLAYWRIGHTS BLOG

    1. Kimberley Andrews

      Hi Charlie,

      Thanks for getting in touch. Please bear with us, we’ll be announcing new courses very soon!


    2. Kimberley Andrews

      Hi Charlie,

      You might have already seen but I just wanted to give you the heads up that the details of our April Courses are now live!

      Best wishes,

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