Short film scripts with Jewish theme sought by producer (NFTS trained)

Do you have a Jewish themed script OR idea for a short film that can be developed together? If the answer is yes then please do get in touch with scripts or ideas please.

Emerging producer (National Film & Television School) is seeking a highly original 10 minute/10 pages maximum short film screenplay/script with a Jewish theme of significance to both Jewish and general audiences set in the UK.

Producer is London based, so it would be great if writer is too. However, as long as contact can be made via email or telephone the writer can be based anywhere in the United Kingdom. Not abroad please.

Open to all – Jewish and non-Jewish. You do not have to be Jewish to respond but the script/screenplay must have a Jewish theme of significance to both Jewish and general/non-Jewish audiences due to film funding criteria.

What to submit: 

  • 10 minute / 10 pages maximum short film script
  • Jewish theme of significance to both Jewish and general audiences set in the UK.
  • Scripts can be any genre: comedy, factual, drama, animation – strong narrative/visuals is key. Screenplay must be industry formatted e.g. Celtx offers basic free software, which can be easily converted to PDF for submission.
  • Themes include asylum seekers, assimilation, integration, interfaith and issues that connect with Jewish life, cultures or history worldwide. Search online for examples, films such as The Chop (short film, 2015), Hannah Cohen’s Holy Communion (short film, 2012), samuel-613 (short film, 2014), My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002).
  • Scripts must avoid any explicit violence or extreme sexual content. Apart from that please let your imagination run wild bearing in mind that scripts must be suitable for filming on a limited budget e.g. minimal locations, cast.

What you get: In their own words:

“Gratitude, professionalism and a platform to showcase your work e.g. film festivals.

Sadly unable to offer any renumeration, however this is a good opportunity for a writer to see their work developed and produced to professional film industry standards with professional actors and crew. Suitable for experienced writers/playwrights/screenwriters seeking industry recognition or career progression within the British film industry. “

How to apply: If interested please contact producer directly with your idea or script only please:

Deadline: 31 December 2016

Source: Direct contact

2 thoughts on “Short film scripts with Jewish theme sought by producer (NFTS trained)”

    1. Kimberley Andrews

      Hi Marilyn,

      Please contact the organisers directly with any questions as we’ve simply re-posted the opportunity.

      Best wishes,

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