Squint seeking submissions for Scratchbook: Great Reckonings In Little Rooms

Squint has put out a call for submissions for their March 2014 performance of Scratchbook: Great Reckonings in Little Rooms.

About Squint:  Squint create bold, ensemble-driven theatre that explores epic modern themes through visual storytelling. We stage work that asks questions of the world we live in and exhilarate audiences with a visceral cocktail of explosive movement, original music and theatricality. Since 2009, Squint have continued to unite the most auspicious theatrical talent with audiences through rich, relevant and exciting theatre.

The prompt:  Our fingertips have never been so powerful; we chat to celebrities, meet lifelong partners and can even launch a nuclear strike from the comfort of our darkened rooms. In February 2004, a Harvard student changed the world from his college dorm room. In February 2014, on the tenth anniversary of Facebook, Squint present a theatrical event that charts a century of ‘great reckonings in little rooms’, illuminating the human beginnings of world-changing events. Artistic Director, Andrew Whyment will direct this epic patchwork of topical short stories.

Scratchbook: Great Reckonings In Little Rooms will play a short run of performances at a reputable London fringe venue. All box office return will go towards funding Squint’s 2014 projects. We are seeking script submissions from writers of any age and experience in response to the brief below. Between five and ten scripts will be selected for development, rehearsal and performance in February/March 2014. In close collaboration with selected writers, a dramaturgical process will intertwine the individual scripts into a stimulating 75-minute performance that debates invention, innovation and how we have arrived at the digital age we find ourselves in today.

What to submit:  All scripts must:

  • Respond to the title theme, ‘Great Reckonings In Little Rooms’.
  • Be inspired by a major news story from real world history.
  • Have a runtime of 5-15 minutes.
  • Feature no more than three characters.
  • Be closed time, closed space (one scene in one location).
  • Be set in a decade from 1870-2020 (since the invention of the telephone)…

Any interpretations of this brief are welcome.

How to apply:  Please send your script (in Word or PDF format), CV and a short covering message to awhyment@squintonline.com.  All submissions will be read in full and selections will be made shortly after the deadline. All writers will receive a response email and detailed feedback will be available upon request. This is an unpaid opportunity. Selected writers will receive complimentary seats for industry guests.

For more information visit www.squintonline.com.

Deadline:  Saturday 11 January 2014

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