Squint Theatre Workshops: GET WRITING workshop – action

GET WRITING: Action | 6-8 PM, Wednesday 3rd February | £10.00 | Book online via squinttheatre.com/book.

In this 2-hour online playwriting workshop, London-based new-work company Squint will use the action of a scene as a starting point.

Squint’s Get Writing workshops are for participants who want to jumpstart their writing. Each workshop explores a different starting point and introduces practical tools for writing story, structure, character and dialogue.

No preparation required and all workshops are standalone. If you have any access needs, please contact Squint here and they will do their best to accommodate. Workshops are suitable for participants of any experience but you must be over the age of eighteen. Squint are unable to offer refunds for non-attendance.

20 places available.

Deadline: not applicable

Source: direct contact

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