Twisted Tales in Lockdown script writing competition (prize £500)

Twisted Tales in Lockdown are seeking original short scripts up to 5 minutes in length that can be made into radio plays. They must be ‘twisted’ in some way and use the theme ‘isolation’. Scripts must be suitable for a maximum of 2 actors, (1 male, 1 female) and be free of copyrighted music.

If you need inspiration have a browse through their website at their shows Twisted Tales Vol.1 & Twisted Tales Vol.2 or have a listen to their ‘Twisted Tales Fireside Classics’!

They will select 5 of their favourite scripts to record and will make these available on their website once they are completed. Winners will also receive £500 in prize money each. There will also be 5 runners up prizes – runners up will receive a recording of their script and publication on their website.

What to submit:

  • ONE audio play up to 5-minutes long (without contact details) via email or post to the contact details given below, and:
  • Cover sheet with contact details.
  • Diversity monitoring form (link below)

Diversity monitoring form

Email entries to or post to 32 Trewarton Road Penryn TR10 8JB.

Deadline:  Friday 22nd May 2020.

Source: Direct Contact

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