Following a sellout run at the Old Red Lion Theatre in Spring 2016, UnderExposed is making its second outing.
This production will run for four nights at The Old Red Lion Theatre in London in April, followed by one night at The Southwark Playhouse in July, and will be a series of short plays that challenge under-exposed stereotypes. These could be stereotypes that exist on quite a large scale but tend to fall in to the periphery of what is topical or commonly explored. Or, they could be more marginal, and even absurd, as long as it resonates with you and you can make a case for it being relatable to audiences.
Pieces can be anything from 10 to 15 minutes, should have simple set requirements and include 1 to 4 characters.
The pieces may be extracts from a full length play, provided they make sense as stand-alone pieces.
How to apply: Please send submissions to
Deadline: 10 February 2018