Applications for Season 3 of the Ragged Scratch Podcast are now open and they are looking for Writers, Directors, Actors and Sound Designers wanted (remote position, unpaid opportunity).
Writers: They are after 5-8 minute plays written for audio, max 3 actors (doubling allowed). No specific theme, but some will release around Christmas. They actively encourage apps from non-white, non-western and/or queer perspectives. More info and apply here:
Actors: You must have your own recording facilities at home – pillowfort setups are fine as long as it sounds professional! We’ll be listening out for acting based demo reels when casting. Need good avails last 2 weeks of October. More info and apply here:
Directors: No audio-specific directing exp required, but welcomed. You can edit your own piece or we will pair you with a sound designer. Need good avails last 2 weeks of October, will be recording remotely. More info and apply here:
Sounds Designers: You will be working with directors on 1-2 short plays (5-8 minutes each), editing dialogue and adding sound design where needed. You do not need your own sfx database, we can provide links to resources. More info and apply here:
Find out more on the website.
Deadline: 11 October 2020
Source: direct contact