89th Productions is a newly established collaborative production company based in London, looking for fresh ideas and compelling full-length plays to develop and produce.
They are currently working in association with the Writers Avenue, that offers a platform for storytellers (writers, directors, musicians…), to come together and work on projects from start to finish. Each production will be carefully planned, allowing them to develop and implement a marketing plan in order to ensure successful delivery. These collaborations will also provide a unique opportunity for them to make the best ideas happen, grow networks and build broader, wider, deeper relationships with diverse audiences.
What to submit/How to apply: Submissions should be sent to hello@89thproductions.com. Along with your play, you should submit a bio about yourself, a synopsis of the play, and a character breakdown including age and gender. Plays must NOT have been staged or published before.
Deadline: 31 August 2017 at 5pm
Source: Direct contact
Hello, I’m unclear on what you are asking for. Are you requesting scripts for YOU to produce or do the playwrights submitting have to bring the production to you?
Thanks, Doc
Hi Doc, comments here are only sent to the LPB Team, so your best bet is to contact the organisers directly with your question. Thanks!