IdeasTap offering places on film development workshop with SAI/Working Title

The Screen Arts Institute (SAI) is offering 10 IdeasTap members a free place at a one-day story development workshop here at IdeasTap HQ. Places on this workshop usually cost £179. The workshop will be held on Thursday 18 December from 10.30-5.30. You must be able to attend this date to apply. The workshop is designed to help you:

  • Find the emotional heart of your story
  • Find the best structure to illustrate it
  • Communicate your movie effectively to producers, directors and stars

Each attendee will be actively involved in pitching and undertaking story-development exercises during the day. You will also receive further learning and industry resources from the SAI. One workshop attendee will then be chosen to go forward and pitch direct to Harriet Spencer, Working Title’s development executive, and to the film director Oliver Parker. The workshop will take place at IdeasTap HQ in London, and will be hosted by TV and film development guru, Stephen May (director of the SAI). The brief will be judged by Stephen May and the IdeasTap team.

How to apply: applications must be made through IdeasTap, where you will be asked to submit a one page outline and 10 pages of your script.

Deadline: 11 December 2014

Source: IdeasTap Creative Briefs

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