“Mini Musicals – Alone on earth“ is a contest for new short-musical-films arranged by Smofa – Skaraborgs Musical and Film Academy, Sweden.
This call is open to all writers and/or composers, no matter of age, gender, place of residence or amount of experience.
A Mini Musical is a short musical film which contains at least 2 different original compositions in style of music and/or songs.
A Mini Musical has to be short, within a maximum of 5 minutes the whole tale has to be told.
A Mini Musical must not have been published before.
The Topic of the contest is “Alone on earth“ and the story shall take place between the years 1910 and 1970.
You can win:
– 10 000 Swedish Crowns (about 990 Euro/ 1,200 US-Dollar/ 890 GBP).
– A full production of the script including music.
– Publishing of the produced film.
To participate please send a completed script, including a musical recording (doesn’t need to be fully produced) and a signed statement of agreement.
Your script and music for the Mini Musical – Alone on Earth competition must be received by April 30th 2021 latest. No extension will be granted.
To apply or find out more info, visit MiniMusical’s website here.
Deadline: 30th April 2021
Source: minimusicals.net