Sharp Scratches seeking 15-30 minute extracts for scratch night performance.

Sharp Scratches is a unique platform for showcasing newwriting.  Their process consists of choosing scripts, then taking a 4 day rehearsal period before performing the scratch night.  During this process writers have a chance to be very involved with the sculpting of their piece, and have a cance to see their text workshopped and performed for feedback and exposure.

The performance night at the Courtyard Theatre, Hoxton is on the 7th of May 2016.

Dates you’ll need to keep free: If your script is successful, the initial meeting with actors and other writers is 20 April.  Tehearsal days are 1-3 May, ending in performance on 7 May, and it is up to the writers whether they want to attend all rehearsals.

What to submit: Extracts need to be 15-30 minutes long.  Please feel free to send the whole script, but please identify the section you think would be most suited for Sharp Scratches.

How to apply:  Please send submissions to, with a short synopsis of the extract and why you’d like to be involved.

Deadline:  17 April 2016

Source:  @Playwriting_UK

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