Specifiq: Writers Retreat at Wilton’s Music Hall

Site-specific specialists SPECIFQ, along with new-writing company First Sight, will be hosting a free creative retreat at Wilton’s Music Hall.
In their words:
We are inviting a small group of writers and theatre makers who will spend the week exploring the lives and legacies of the nation-changing suffragettes held at Holloway Prison.
The retreat will run between 18-21 October and will comprise a selection of talks from expert guests (including the author of East London Suffragettes), guided discussions and writing sessions. The experts will give talks on Holloway Prison itself, on the suffragette movement and its contemporary perception, and on changing legal conditions for women’s rights over the last hundred years.
The week is scheduled as follows: 
Tuesday and Wednesday – talks by experts followed by discussions and workshop-type sessions. Participants will be invited to write short responses to the material raised. These responses can take any form, from scenes or monologues to poems or even songs.
Thursday – Following off-site writing time on Thursday, an evening session will be held to workshop the responses.
Friday – Pieces will be rehearsed during the day, using a small company of actors. All the responses will then be shared at a free gathering for participants and invited audience members on the evening of Friday, 21st October.
We’d love for you to attend as much of the week as possible, but understand the pressures of a busy schedule.
All research will be freely available to all participants throughout and after the week, and writers retain ownership of any work generated.
We hope this week will inspire writers and theatre makers to create their own work influenced by the stories of these extraordinary women, and intend to persevere with this source material over the following year, hopefully moving towards a full production before Christmas 2017.
There is limited space for this week. Please send an expression of interest to Becky Brown at becky@specifiq.co.uk.
Deadline: none, but the retreat runs from 18 – 21 October 2016
Source: direct contact

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