Stitchin’ Fiction is a FREE non-profit platform for creatives to come together in a workshopping environment. Writers with words stuck in their laptops and notebooks are given a pool of performers, who want to work and stretch their collaborative muscles and skills.
The event will take place on Monday 26 June 2017 at the Boogaloo bar. The Public Scratch Performance begins at 7:30pm – This is when friends, industry, and members of the public are welcome to join!
The workshop rehearsal and performances are scheduled to finish at approximately 9:30pm, and the bar is open until midnight for networking and/or having a drink – so even if you can’t take part, you can come along, watch the performances, network and socialist afterwards.
What to submit: All submissions must be sent through email. Submissions should be between ten and fifteen minutes (maximum).
Alongside your submission, they ask that you send a brief registration form, with a bit of info about yourself and experience, and a character breakdown so they can best match your actors for the event.
How to apply: To get involved, download a registration form from the website, or contact them for one through
Deadline: 18 June 2017
Source: Arts Jobs