The Script’s The Thing!

The Script’s The Thing! is Dorset’s Festival of Scriptwriting – an epic day of writing, performance, talks and workshops. The Festival is a takeover of the Corn Exchange building (and Tom Browns pub!) on Saturday 28 October and have several performance spaces available throughout the day, together with a Writers’ Hub with arts organisations, venues and production companies attending from across Dorset and beyond.

The festival are inviting writers of all types of performance to present 15 minutes of script either written specifically for the Festival or extracts from a longer work. Writers present their work to whatever level they feel comfortable – by themselves, with others, off-book or script in-hand; there will be zoom and in-person workshops leading up to the Festival to help with staging your script.

The festival welcome a wide range of work from scratch ideas to more polished extracts looking to connect with others. You must have some connection with Dorset to submit a script. There’s no charge and anyone can attend this free event hosted by Dorchester Arts.

For further information about this opportunity and to submit a script please visit their website

Deadline: Friday 22 September 2023

Source: BBC Writersoom

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