10-15 minute plays sought for charity fundraiser in Covent Garden

Harrie Dobbie is organising a new writing evening to raise money for a trip I’m taking to Nepal to rebuild houses in a village that was totally devastated by the earthquake. The event will be at City Lit’s theatre in Covent Garden on Friday 16th September.

What to submit: He is looking for 10-15 min pieces. They can be about anything, although it would be lovely to see some pieces on the subject of charity. If chosen, you will be given a slot on the evening for your play to be performed. It will be your responsibility to source actors, director etc, though the organizer does work as an agent so can help you if you’re having trouble finding people. 

How to apply: Please send submissions to harriedobby@yahoo.co.uk.

Deadline: 12 August 2016

Source: Playwriting UK Facebook Group

3 thoughts on “10-15 minute plays sought for charity fundraiser in Covent Garden”

    1. Hi Allston, we haven’t heard about a possible extension, but let us know if you hear back on confirmation of this!

  1. Pingback: Opportunities Weekly Round-up: 12 August 2016 | LONDON PLAYWRIGHTS BLOG

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