A new magazine, Future Fossil Flora, is looking for a short play or monologue on the poppy to be published in its first issue.
Magazine founder Kaley Ross says: “We are an independent magazine that is dedicated to exploring the world of one flower per issue. We delve into the mutually curious relationships between humanity and flora, aiming to document how we see flowers in modern times, and how they see us. Inspired by traditional botanical illustrations and texts, we are focused on translating this concept to contemporary ways of studying and representing flowers.
“I am interested in curating pieces with different styles and creative angles for the magazine. A short play, or even perhaps a monologue based on the theme of the poppy could be a wonderful addition to the imagine, adding depth and a different written perspective.
“We are based in London, and plan to distribute throughout the UK, Europe and North America, reaching a wide audience.”
What to submit: A short play or monologue, length not specified.
But Fututre Fossil Flora is looking for anything inspired by the poppy – creative writings, poetry, fiction or nonfiction, script or monologue. More information about the call for submissions can be found here.
How to apply: email hello@futurefossilflora.com
Deadline: 28 February 2017
Source: Direct contact